Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Net Worth - March 2008 + $138,201.15

I have been incredibly remiss in updating this blog. The only excuse I have to offer is that since January 2007 I have been planning (and saving) for a wedding! I have still been tracking my Net Worth and my plan to get to 1 Billion NZD is definitely still on track, although I forsee rocky times ahead unless I fine tune my strategy.

Discretionary Funds NZD 9,651.17
Credit Cards/Loans NZD 21,165.22
Loaned NZD 1,193.28
Wedding NZD 13,015.30
Mortgage NZD 1.00
Bond NZD 2,697.38
Holiday NZD 7,423.98
Car Value NZD 18,559.95
Sub Total NZD 31,376.84


Buffer NZD 38,760.68
Gold NZD 2,684.21
Property Equity NZD 2.47
Stocks NZD 65,376.94
Sub Total NZD 106,824.31


NZD 138,201.15

As you can see below I have met and indeed exceeded my goal to grow my existing capital by 20% each year. However this target this is going to become exponentially harder to hit as my capital grows, and my income contributions shrink in relative terms, as for now my investments aren't growing at a sufficient rate to meet my goal.

However all is not completely bleak, as I have manged to grow my capital a healthy 117% from December 2006.

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